неделя, 25 декември 2011 г.

A Christmas for the bad

When crow knocks gently on my window

And Christmas snow keeps falling in the dark

And tracks of sled are wide and glowing by my door

The guy in red is tall and skinny;

His laughter falls like stones on me

I know I’ve been so naughty in this year,

That Christmas sent me fear and dreams.

A crow still knocks not gently on my window

From inside I not speak nor hear of evil

And tracks of sled are light not brighter than the night

That lies on me so silent, so unbearable and thin.

A walk on roof nor see or hear, not bloody spell

To open the closed path inside my domus

To enter with a present with the breath of graveyard

With crawling footsteps of long dead creature,

His pet is darker then the eye of wicked crow,

It doesn’t knock before it enters,

It doesn’t wait for whisper: Help

His hound death is, but his present is deserved

I have been naughty for too long.

Just God may find me mercy and may save me

If not me then my soul. Or not.

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